Welcome to Portraits by Donna Ayers

Welcome to my site. I hope you enjoy seeing some of my work.

I also want to share a little bit of my process. I make it easy to get exactly what you want.

Normally, I work from photographs and this painting was no exception. In this case, I decided on an afternoon photo shoot; so, the light would come in from above and behind and my subject wouldn’t have the sun in her eyes. During the shoot ducks came up out of the lake and I decided to include them in the composition.

Please check out my portrait gallery. You can also learn more about me, pricing, and the process that brings us from your idea to an heirloom portrait.

If you would like to get in touch with me about a portrait for you please contact me by phone or email.

phone (732) 223-3626

email DonnaVorbach@hotmail.com

5 thoughts on “Welcome to Portraits by Donna Ayers

  1. Donna, Greetings from Texas. I enjoyed meeting you today via Charlie Ward’s video. Thank you so much for sharing your story and your incredible creations. You have a beautiful spirit and a special gift of painting. It was truly a blessing 💟


    1. Hi Mary, I just discovered your lovely comments. Thanks you so much for sharing my journey on TrumpQart. I think BIG things are around the corner! I do not know if you received an offer to participate in a group Trump Card effort. We hope to meet up around May 15 over ZOOM. Call me if you would like to know more details. 732-223-3626 Best, Donna


  2. Unable to access the paintings you showed on Charlie Ward’s show. My server won’t let them through with the word “Trump”….(at least that is what I think is happening. is it possible for you to send me an email with them?


    1. Hi Nancy,
      I am sorry for the difficulty. Fine Art Prints can be found at TrumpQart.com Tee shirts and mugs at TrumpQart.store
      Thank you so much for your interest in my TrumpArt and listening to Charlie Ward’s program. He is a dear!
      Best regards,


    2. Nancy, you have to type TrumpQart.com into the URL box at the top. Google won’t bring you there! Bests regards, Donna PS, if you are interested i participating in my next TrumpQart Trump Card, call me for info. 732-223-3626 Meetup will be over Zoom.


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